Alexandria Technical and Community College, in Alexandria, Minnesota, needed a rebrand to appeal to a new generation of prospective students. Additionally, with new and growing athletics and activities programs, the school needed a mascot and athletic brand. 
Situated in Minnesota lakes country, the school attracts students looking to kickstart their careers or the trajectory of their education. The school enjoyed brand recognition in the region, but locals and students referred to it as Alex Tech (a callback to the school's technical roots before it added community college courses) while the school used the acronym ATCC. This resulted in the brand being fractured. 
Through discussions with faculty, staff, students, and community stakeholders, and research into the history of the school and its region, a new brand was implemented. To simplify the naming and further position it as a quality educational institution, Alexandria College was selected as the new go-to name for all communications. With this in mind, a new logo and wordmark were developed. Building upon the logo, a mascot capitalizing on the area's Nordic and Viking roots while maintaining an inclusive feel was created. The brand and mascot was launched do great excitement within the student body and the citizens of Alexandria.
Art Direction: Adam Wilbur, Ryan Tate
Graphic Designer: Erin Pascal
Illustrator: Erin Pascal
Motion Design: Ryan Tate

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