BizRecycling, a grant and aid program to help businesses and organizations reduce waste and recycle better, needed to refine its brand, marketing, and communications to appeal to business owners in the East Twin Cities Metro.
Led the creative and web development teams to refine the BizRecycling brand, specifically by updating the color palette to include bright, energetic colors already utilized in existing campaign assets. Next, a modern, client-focused website was designed and developed to introduce the brand to businesses looking for expert help. Lastly, as most previous participants or grant recipients were connected to BizRecycling via word-of-mouth, an ad campaign highlighting real business owners and their stories was captured and launched.

Creative Direction: Adam Wilbur, Ryan Tate
Graphic Design: Adam Wilbur, Erin Pascal
Copywriter: Adam Wilbur
Video/Motion Design: Ryan Tate
Photography: Lucas Botz