The Ramsey and Hennepin County Attorney’s Offices—together with the Minnesota Commerce Department’s Fraud Bureau—wanted to develop and launch a campaign to raise awareness of automobile thefts in the Twin Cities while also encouraging behavior changes for residents to keep their vehicles secure and reduce the number of thefts. In preparation for summer—and the Minnesota State Fair—residents and visitors alike needed a reminder to lock their vehicles and take the keys with them.
Led the creative team to develop a campaign that was succinct, catchy, and effective in reminding drivers that most auto theft is a result of keys being left in unlocked vehicles. The campaign utilized both digital and traditional media to consistently remind drivers to Park it. Lock it. Pocket. The campaign garnered 12 million impressions and was picked up and its reach was expanded by local news outlets.

Creative Direction: Adam Wilbur
Copywriter: Adam Wilbur
Illustration: Erin Pascal
Motion Graphics: Erin Pascal